It was kind of a spontaneous decision to join this game jam, but hey, game jams are fun.

Even though my time was way longer than three hours, I still enjoyed it.

To self reflect:

I am not happy with the sounds. But since most of my games are silent, I guess... progress? The graphics... eh... I spent too long trying to make an emissive material for 2D, but no luck... maybe next time. Otherwise... whatever, it's just a game jam game ':D 

Even though it is not part of my Modding Playground collection, I did try to make everything open.

Third-party assets used:


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Nice one! I Hope you learnt  a lot on this 3 hours ^^. Some quick suggestion for a better jump feeling, if you have a rigidbody2D (I think you do).  Increase the gravity affecting it and also increase the jump force you are applying. A common time for a good feeling jump is to stay in the air around 0.7 seconds. So mess with the gravity force and with your jump force to try to get that :D. And add the force as ForceMode2D.Impulse

Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to look clever or something but those small tips were incredible ones for me when I started developing! GJ overall! 

While I do have several years of experience with Unity, I believe this is the first time I worked with 2D physics (Not the first 2D by far… but I just don’t like physics .-.). So, thank you for the insight!

Every small bit counts, because in the big picture, it’s the small things that pull us through.

This could make a really great game if fleshed out further. I like the concept of having a platformer where you're trying to escape a building, perhaps if you do expand on this game, you could add some more tension with the level changing the longer you take. There's a lot of possibilities with the concept and theme I think you could explore further, which is always a good thing with a concept!

I think the major thing that needs improving if so is just the players jump, it feels somewhat inconsistent and lead to me dying more than I probably should have!


Thank you :) Glad you like it! I cannot promise anything, but who knows, maybe one day!

Regarding the jumping; the issue is caused by the logic not using deltaTime. At first I did use it, but I have a feeling it really doesn’t like the web browser build. Usually it just resulted in the player teleporting out of the map for some reason. As time was limited, removing the deltaTime was much faster option than trying to figure out why it is behaving as it is.